Types of capacitors in electronic circuits is divided into two kinds , namely capacitors polar and non- polar capacitor . In the mean polar capacitor is a type of capacitor that is bi-polar and has a positive polarity / negative .
This capacitor is made of electrolyte material which has a large capacitance value compared with capacitors using a dielectric material .
While in the mean non-polar capacitor is a type of capacitor does not have a positive and negative polarity at both poles. These capacitors can also be used in turn . These capacitors usually have a small capacitance value because it is made of ceramic material and mica .
Type capacitors we can also differentiate into several parts , which is a type of ceramic capacitors , electrolytic capacitors ( elco ) , tantalum capacitors , multilayer capacitors , polyester film capacitors , elekctric double , super capacitors , trimer and tuning capacitor .
Based on the capacitance value , the capacitor is divided into two parts , namely fixed capacitors and variable capacitors .
Dielectric material arranged with many layers with a thickness of 10 to 20 μm and a plate electrode is made of pure metal . In addition , the shape of this type of capacitor is also small and has good temperature characteristics in comparison with other capacitors .
Electrolytic Capacitor
Electrolytic capacitors or also called Elcho included in the fixed value capacitors . This type of capacitor has an insulating material made of electrolyte and tubular . Electrolyte capacitors which have polarity direction of the Positive and Negative use of aluminum for packaging as well as Negative terminal .
Capacitor Paper
Capacitor paper , is a capacitor including the capacitor type calculation remains (Non Variable) , and has a paper insulation material , and generally ranges between paper capacitor values up to 300μF 4μF
Tantanum Capacitor
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