Type resistor diverse and interesting
Types of Resistors at the moment there are only 2 types: Fixed Resistors ( Variable Resistor ) and Variable Resistor ( Variable Resistor ) . Of the two types of resistor are divided into several sections , the following we will describe the parts of both types are :
Fixed Resistors
Fixed Resistors ( Variable Resistor ) is a type of resistor whose value has been written on the resistor body by using color codes or numbers. This resistor is used as a barrier to electrical current permanently. The function of this resistor is as limiting the current flowing in the LED light . Types of fixed resistor is :
resistor Wire
Resistor Wire is a new type of resistor that was first used when the electronic circuit is still using vacuum tubes . The physical form of the resistor is varied and has a fairly large size . Because it has a high resistance and high resistance to heat , these resistors are only used in the power circuit . Until now , the kind that are still in use is the kind that has a coil wire in ceramic materials , then coated with cement .
Resistor Rod Carbon ( Charcoal )
This resistor is made of carbon materials rough and put their windings and the color-coded pins annular . To be able to read the resistance value of each color of the bracelet can use a color code table . This type of resistor is formed after the resistor wire . Currently, there are very few people who use carbon rod resistors in electronic circuits .
resistor Ceramics
With rapid technological advances , especially in the field of electronics . At this time has created the type of resistor made from ceramic or porcelain base material and coated with a thin glass . Because it has a small physical shape and also a high resistance value , the resistor is the most widely used in electronic circuits . Owned power rating of 1/4 watt ceramic resistor , 1/2 Watt , 1 Watt and 2 Watt .
Carbon Film Resistors
This resistor is the result of the development of the carbon rod resistors . In line with perkemangan technology , has formed resistor are made of carbon and is coated with a film material that serves as a protective barrier against external influences . The resistance value is already listed in tabular form a color code . Because it has a high resistance value and small physical form , this resistor is also widely used in various electronic circuits . Owned resistor power rating is 1/4 Watt , 1/2 Watt , 1 Watt and 2 Watt .
Metal Film Resistors
The shape of the metal film resistor is almost equal to the carbon film resistors . Only resistor is resistant to temperature changes and have a high level of accuracy because the value of tolerance which reached 1 % or 5 % . When compared with other types of fixed resistors , resistor has a higher precision due to choose a bracelet 5 colors and even some that are 6 bracelets colors. Metal film resistors are widely used in electronic circuit that has a high level of accuracy , such as measuring instruments.
Variable Resistor
Variable Resistor : is a type of resistor has a resistance value directly changeable by rotating the shift lever existing atupun . Type of Variable Resistor are :
Potentiometer is a type of variable resistor whose resistance value can we change by turning around its axis via a lever that has been provided . In general , these resistors are made of wire or carbon and most widely used in the circuit elektornika . When this has been a lot of potentiometer made of carbon material because it has a smaller size and resistance are quite large. Changes in the value of the resistance is divided into two , namely linear and lpgarithmic . To determine whether the linear potentiometer or lpgarithmic can be seen from the letters that are printed on the back . When shown the letter " B ", then the potentiometer is lpgarithmic , whereas if the printed letter " A " then the linear potentiometer .
Trimpot or commonly called Tripotensiometer is a resistor whose resistance value can be changed . The nature and characteristics of the trimpot not much different from a potentiometer , only the physical form trimpot smaller than with a potentiometer . The resistance value changes are also divided into two , namely linear and lpgarithmic . To change the resistance value by turning the trimpot hole in the body by using a screwdriver .
NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient ) and PTC ( Positive Temperature Coefficient ) is a resistor whose resistance value can be changed if there is a change in the surrounding temperature . NTC resistance value itself will go up if the temperature around him down , while the resistance value of the PTC will rise if the if the temperature around them rises . Both resiston is most commonly used as a sensor because it can measure the temperature or the temperature of the surrounding area .
LDR ( Light Dependent Resistor ) is a resistor whose resistance value can be changed in the event of changes in light intensity in the surrounding area . That can happen because of the intensity of light that can induce electrons to penetrate the boundaries of the LDR . Thus , the resistance value will increase the intensity of the received bit jiga . Sedangkana resistance value of the LDR would drop if the intensity of light received lots . Resistor LDR itself is widely used as a light sensor , especially on a garden light .
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