electrical and electronic blog from google translate

Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Types of Capacitors fixed and variable is the main

Types of capacitors in electronic circuits is divided into two kinds , namely capacitors polar and non- polar capacitor . In the mean polar capacitor is a type of capacitor that is bi-polar and has a positive polarity / negative .

This capacitor is made of electrolyte material which has a large capacitance value compared with capacitors using a dielectric material .

While in the mean non-polar capacitor is a type of capacitor does not have a positive and negative polarity at both poles. These capacitors can also be used in turn . These capacitors usually have a small capacitance value because it is made of ceramic material and mica .

Although both types of capacitors are widely used to store electrical charges , but there are still many differences of the two types , among which is the material used and also function in everyday usefulness .

Type capacitors we can also differentiate into several parts , which is a type of ceramic capacitors , electrolytic capacitors ( elco ) , tantalum capacitors , multilayer capacitors , polyester film capacitors , elekctric double , super capacitors , trimer and tuning capacitor .

The nature of the capacitor is storing electric charge and can not flow through the DC ( Direct Current ) but passable AC ( Alternating Current ) and can also serve as an impedance ( resistance whose value depends on the frequency ) .
Based on the capacitance value , the capacitor is divided into two parts , namely fixed capacitors and variable capacitors .

For those types of multilayer capacitors is a capacitor made ​​of the material . This capacitor is similar to ceramic capacitors , the difference is only in the number of layers that make up the dielectric .

Dielectric material arranged with many layers with a thickness of 10 to 20 μm and a plate electrode is made ​​of pure metal . In addition , the shape of this type of capacitor is also small and has good temperature characteristics in comparison with other capacitors .

Capacitors functions in electronic circuits is a connector on each piece in the series , separating the alternating current from direct current , as the filter on the power supply circuit , a frequency generator at the transmitter electronic circuit and also saves power at the circuit fluorescent lamp

Electrolytic Capacitor

Electrolytic capacitors or also called Elcho included in the fixed value capacitors . This type of capacitor has an insulating material made ​​of electrolyte and tubular . Electrolyte capacitors which have polarity direction of the Positive and Negative use of aluminum for packaging as well as Negative terminal .

Capacitor Paper

Capacitor paper , is a capacitor including the capacitor type calculation remains (Non Variable) , and has a paper insulation material , and generally ranges between paper capacitor values ​​up to 300μF 4μF

Tantanum Capacitor

Tantanum capacitors , are capacitors that use metal materials tantanum as Anode terminal itself ( + ) . Tantanum capacitor has a positive and negative polarity direction ( + and - ), such as electrolytic capacitors . The insulation material was made of electrolyte material

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